Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Hear The Fat Scream Like Wicked Witch Of The West

If you heard the screams and melting elements of your unwanted fat, what would it sound like? What type of bloody murder sound would you want to hear when that fat melts like butter and switches to dense and defined muscle? To me it sounds like Margaret Hamilton just sounding off or Judge Doom imitating Margaret Hamilton. For anyone else, maybe it sounds like some chick getting killed in a Horror movie or a character you hate in another type of film dying. I don't think anyone wants to hear Darth Vader screaming NNNNOOOOO in Episode 3, that just sounds too dreadful.

With all this talk about screaming bloody murder, let's get to the nitty gritty of why you want to hear that type of sound. When we train hard, that sound in our minds can be beneficial and maybe a little psychotic on your part because you just want that unwanted fat to just die and go to a place that even the Devil himself would hate to be in. There are many ways to do a fat loss program but it takes real strategy and specific type of training to burn fat like a furnace and make it your bitch to torch and watch it go up in flames. The cream of the crop in my opinion is through High Intensity Training 2-3x a week or (if you got them) Hill Sprinting up to 10 sprints each workout 3 times a week max. This will without question will torture fat so badly it has no choice but to die in painful agony. Another powerful method is through Isometrics.

Isometric Training is a safety net compared to sprinting where you don't have to move at all but be in a position where you contract (Flex) a muscle or series of muscles hard and than relax them. What this does is create immense blood flow and with great focus can build dense muscle and have fat melt out. You can do Isometrics virtually anywhere and anytime. There are limitless exercises you can come up with and various methods of Isometrics such as holding a calisthenic exercise, Muscle Control, pitting muscles against each other and tons of others. With Muscle Control, it teaches to isolate a particular muscle by contracting and relaxing at will; Muscle vs. Muscle is like doing a curl but only in one area to flex hard enough it looks like your hands are wrestling against each other and Calisthenic Isometrics is like holding a push-up in the top, middle and lower positions as long as possible or flexing hard up to 12 seconds.

Isometrics are a classic form of exercise that has been around for eons and has been used by the greatest and toughest athletes in the world. Methods of Yoga require you to hold certain positions for a length of time more than just flexing really hard. Wrestlers use Isometrics to strengthen their grip and joints to take down or mahandle tough opponents. If a grappler has a solid hold of you and you can't escape you're screwed. Boxers use Isometrics for punching power and speed strength for various punches in certain positions. Isometrics can even make you move faster because when you hold a certain position for a period of time like a minute with 40% of your strength into it, it can make you feel light on your feet.

The greatest bodybuilders such as John Grimek, Otto Arco, Eugene Sandow and Bill Pearl used Muscle Control to build dense muscle before competitions using unique posing routines to get that extra out of the muscle and research yourself on their accomplishments using this method.

You can do Isometrics in a lot of different ways for different reasons but the main things they can do is help you lose weight, burn fat like crazy, build real muscle, make you feel lighter than air times and have you feeling incredible. I use them often and even done holding positions from Animal Movements to strengthen myself from different positions. They have aided in my weight loss from being 275 lbs. down to as low as my current weight of 246-248. They are miracle workers for sure when you really focus on them and even adding them to your routine.

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