Monday, August 20, 2018

Moving Like A Wild Animal Is A Gift From Nature

"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"- Charles Caleb Colton

As children, we imitate what we see and mimic actions, body language and form traces of the personalities we imitate. Sometimes what we mimic won't always be a good thing because it can lead down a road where we may not know better but we also don't understand the concepts of right and wrong. It is important to set a prime example and if it is good and we construct morals and the teachings of how to treat other human beings, that quote would make the ultimate for others in their lives.

Animals are amazing teachers and mimicking their movements sets a form of natural wonders for us humans. Movement is life and we don't always move through the natural order of things. We are taught this and that, being shoved certain things down our throat as if it was life or death and sometimes what we are taught doesn't always benefit the treatment of another human being.

Moving like an animal is not just physically getting into position and crawling, hopping, jumping and coordinating but what it really does is imitate the concept of freedom; the freedom to express the body and hone skills that not only strengthen the body but also the brain as well. Moving like an animal is a gift from nature itself. The idea of expressing yourself through the spirit and teachings of the animal kingdom brings another level of discovering ourselves in the form of natural movement.

Although we don't want to be as violent or territorial as wild animals, it is important to realize that growth comes from getting ideas on how to apply what is being taught. Animal Movement provides the ideals of challenging the body in a manner of learning how the muscles work, how the brain subjects the nerves and impulses to form the movement and using the imagination to get the very best out of applying our strengths and motor skills that we may need in other areas of our lives. It is a gift that we can't ignore and a great aspect of teaching anyone from young to old how to get the most out of the body on all three planes of our structure: Physical, Mental & Emotional.

Work within your ability and progress with the best of intentions because as you get better, you become greater equipped with knowledge and wisdom. Imitate what is pure and beautiful.

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