Monday, June 25, 2018

Taking A Beautiful Form Of Exercise And Over Complicating It

Don't you just get irritated sometimes when some person takes the simplicity of exercise and turns it into a fiasco of over complicated structures? In my research into how Animal Movements work for various reasons and how to apply them to other forms of training, it keeps coming up with over complicated ideals and workouts that just seem to be more trendy than useful. Granted nothing wrong with a trend, it comes and it goes it is that simple but that doesn't excuse the fact that you're taking a beautiful form of nature and turning it into some kind of "Over-Humanized" style that just seems more wrong than right.

Animal Movements are nothing new, but wherever you research, most of the time you come up with a fancy workout that barely talks about the application of the movements themselves and making it look like some infomercial. There's no real simple form anymore and when you do find realistic animal movement training principles, it's rarely even recognized. Yes there is a rule that in order to get the most benefit, we have to cater that movement to the most efficient way possible for us humans because let's face it, we don't have the realistic luxury of moving like a tiger or the grip strength of an ape or even the ability to climb walls like a spider but making it so damn fancy, it sucks the fun out of making it simple and attempting the best way possible for us.

I believe in simplicity and making it something for what it really is and not watering it down into the depths that it destroys the realism and learning process. There are some forms of Animal Movement I do like, like Animal Flow, it is a great combination of locomotion, yoga and break dancing which makes it fun and interesting but I also tend to go beyond just the cool combos. Whenever I do teach somebody certain forms of training, I make it simple, fun and basic because regardless how fit or unfit you are, the basics bring out the greatest foundation. It's like building a house, you don't start with the roof, you start laying the ground work for what it literally builds up to. Exercise in this day and age have become so confusing you don't know where to start.

Our attention spans have decreased quite a bit over a number of years because we feel that if we want something, we need to have it right then and there. If you want results right away, you're not going to succeed the way you envisioned. It takes time, effort and patience because if you tried to shoot straight to the top at anything, it's going to bite you in the ass. When I started walking again, I didn't start out being able to do 100 Squats in a row or hold a bridge for 3 minutes let alone be able to even remotely do a Bear Crawl for 30 straight seconds. I busted my ass to get where I wanted to be and there were days where it sucked and had no motivation but I did it anyway because I made a choice.

The reason why I do Animal Movements frequently isn't because they're trendy or cool to do, I do them because they're amazing teachers and give me a sense of purpose, something that truly gets me into the very core of why I'm so passionate about fitness and I get to do something that not only makes me happy but brings out the best in what I can do. Why can't we just go back to being simple and doing something that isn't going to confuse the F*ck out of you. It's like music; you can have the coolest sounding guitar riff and have a kick ass set of instruments banding together (pun intended) but you'll never have a lasting sound that hits you right in your soul that lasts a lifetime. Simplicity lasts and trends come and go, its a vicious but realistic cycle.

Don't make things complicated and never let some douche tell you to do do 50 different things just to get 5 exercises going. Learn the simple ideals and everything will fall into place. 

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