Monday, June 18, 2018

How Long Does An Animal Workout Have To Be?

Depending on your fitness level and where you're at in terms of progression, it's all on an individual. There's no set limits to what you want to do with Animal Movements because unlike other forms of exercise, Animals keep you moving in all sorts of directions and will determine where you're at and what you can strive for. For beginners, its good to start with 5 total minutes (30 sec.- 1 min. per animal of 5) and as you get better, add time or repetitions. You get to decide.

Some days I don't have a ton of energy to do a big playout of animal moves but I always get in at least a few minutes. On days where I have a great amount of energy, I'll go sometimes 30 minutes or longer. You get to pick and choose what you want to do and like the animals, go on instinct and not by necessity. That's not what the Animal Moves are all about.

If you were to time yourself, you can do it one of two ways; you can set an allotted time and just go from there whether it's playing the dice game, tag with a buddy, circuit style to see how many rounds you get or you can test yourself and go non-stop. The second would be to just use a stopwatch and when you feel like you've had enough, just press stop. Like I said, there's no set limits to this method of exercise, it's not about rushing it or be fixated on sets and rep schemes. Make an adventure out of it.

Animals in the wild really don't have concept of time, they move fast to run from being eaten or catch what they want to eat. They just move and use instincts and skills developed when they were little. It is the same with exercise, do what works for you and use your brain and not a controlled entity. You're not pavlov's dog my friend.

If you're pressed for time, just do a few minutes as fast as possible, believe me its an ass kicker in itself. Learn the movements and create what you want out of them and in return, you'll be in the shape you were meant to be in. Let them be useful and use your wits and training to get the very best out of your fitness.

Animal Workouts (Book)   

Animal Workouts (DVD)

Animal Kingdom Conditioning: Survival Of The Fittest

Animal Kingdom Conditioning 2: Call Of The Wild

Wild Animal Fitness For Kids

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