Monday, April 30, 2018

Animals On The Brain

More and more these days it is becoming clear that animal exercises are my bread and butter of conditioning type training and developing strength and agility from a variety of angles. Even after I wake up on some days I just want to move and work my brain through physical movement. The way your body moves and transitioning those neurons in the brain down the spinal cord through animal exercise takes on a whole new meaning to Physical, Mental, Emotional and Psychological Health.

As you move through either opposite arm/leg, hopping on one leg or shifting side to side or forward like a gorilla, your electric impulses create a stronger reaction and open up a chain of muscles you normally don't use like for instance; regular walking, sprinting, yoga and other methods of exercise. You're generating strength through these impulses. Think about it; using your arms as a second pair of legs, creating patterns in your jumping movements, utilizing a variation whether beginner, intermediate or advanced you're using areas of the brain that don't get the usual attention. It doesn't matter if you're right or left brain dominant, you're developing greater potential on using your brain's capacity on a very unique scale.

Yor core doesn't just get stronger and more mobile, it aids in the realm of more than just developing muscle; it strengthens your digestion and strengthens the internal organs. It doesn't matter how big, small or strong or weak you are, if your organs can't keep up there's something wrong there. The mental aspects puts you in a greater state of ease. Your mind can be stronger and have clearer entities for a more powerful memory, be able to do tasks at a greater rate and because of those impulses, it can even generate a greater sense of intuition. From an emotional standpoint, animal movements create powerful endorphins and help relax the body's tense state. Negative stress can lead to not just mental but very much so just as equal physical problems such as inflammation, uncontrollable nerve impulses, headaches, migraines, high blood pressure and anxiety. When you move like a wild animal, it can be so intense that the moves force you to breathe differently and teaches the aspects of moving while relaxed and not overly tense. If you put too much tension into a movement it can do some physical harm but if you utilize the muscle's ability to contract and relax in a controlled state, it can wear off that emotional stress and and send you into another realm of happiness and calmness.

The brain can be very unpredictable and we haven't even hit the top level of knowing the full potential of it. Scientists to this day are baffled as to how the brain truly works in how we function and how it encompasses a total change after trauma or by some miracle can turn someone who was once an angry person into this amazing and positive individual. They know quite a bit about the brain but haven't scratched the surface yet. The brain can create erratic energy that sends impulses into the bloodstream and give someone great strength or have the nerves go all over the place it's very difficult to stop. Certain diseases/conditions like Alzheimer's, Tourette Syndrome and others have issues with brain function and without proper conditioning for the brain, can lead to a life of misery and suffering. There are certain conditions and diseases that are so far out there that no matter what you do, it just won't go away and it is sad on that count. I myself have had brain trauma that won't ever go away, sure I've made progress in my lifetime but there are things about me that can't fully be explained and areas of my brain are still and always will have problems.

The decision that I have made to not give up and do forms of physical exercise that makes me stronger both inside and out has been a struggle but has given me a stronger sense of purpose that there are ways to build the brain without drugs or excess stimuli and do so with progression systems that just about anyone regardless of age or sex can do. My mission is to spread the word on animal movements and help others find a way to utilize their bodies to make their brains stronger. I was affected at a very young age and was told I would never be that smart or being told I wouldn't have lived passed 2. Unleash the beast and prove everyone wrong not for the sake of proving to them, but proving to yourself.       

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