Friday, January 26, 2018

5x5 In 5 Minutes

An incredible routine has come on the Furey Faithful Website. This routine can add great energy to your day whether first thing in the morning or in the afternoon. The benefits alone are insane; increased libido, flexibility, healthy for the joints and can be modified so you can get the most out of it. I've been doing this routine daily and although I'm not the biggest fan of just routines, this really opens up the body in a big way.

If you haven't signed up for the Furey Faithful, get right on it. There's more than enough info to help you get in incredible shape not just externally but even more so internally as well. Get access to books, audios, special reports, workouts and videos on all sorts of health and fitness entities that will skyrocket your energy, functional strength and conditioning.

The 5x5 System is very simple to do and it only takes a few minutes a day. Everyone has a few minutes to spare, it's 5 exercises for 5 reps each that's it. Back in the day of the old school bodybuilding scene of Reg Park, Steve Reeves and others, the 5x5 system was based on 5 sets of 5 reps of an exercise to help build incredible strength and power in various weightlifting exercises, mainly the compound movements of Bench Pressing, Deadlifting, Overhead Press, Squats, Curls and others. It did work for many of the top bodybuilders and strongmen of the day and you can still learn this variation of the system through Brooks Kubik's Courses. Some people aren't just interested in that kind of training so what can be an alternative? This version of the 5x5 system can taken anywhere and is a great warm-up to start your day or if you're just starting out it's a great step in the right direction for conditioning and functional fitness.

This routine really opens up the joints and programs the body to produce great energy and strengthens the organs which could go a long way in developing great health and strength. If you really want to amp things up, take a good dose from various herbs from Lost Empire and see how your body really skyrockets. Make it your mission to live a long, healthy life that carries strength with you everywhere.

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