Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Be Able To Do Bodybuilding Anywhere And Anytime

I'm not the biggest fan of modern bodybuilding for a few reasons; one it's not as simplistic as it was in the early 20th century, two there are too many exercises that make people overthink and hinder progress & three because too many drugs have taken over than the love of pure bodybuilding itself. Not everyone is meant to have that kind of lifestyle and it isn't practical to spend so many hours while the general population has a life to live when it comes to family, jobs & paying bills. When something becomes overcomplicated, you're going to really get anywhere.

I'm a firm believer in using simple methods that are not only effective but have a long term positive effect on the body, it is also rejuvenative and and doesn't wear and tear on the joints. Calisthenics are usually ideal in my arsenal of methods and I can never get enough of airope skipping and using the power wheel or doing Isometrics but when it comes down to deep and direct approach to bodybuilding, I go with VRT (Visualized Resistance Training). It is a system that provides pumping the muscles without ever touching weights and you can mimic any machine in the gym anywhere you want. It is without question one of the most powerful methods around and all it takes is flexing a muscle, moving through a range of motion and your imagination; those main three are the foundation. People tend to knock off this system because it has that negative notion of only "pretending to lift weights" ordeal and think the only way to build muscle is by moving weights.

Not everyone can afford a weight set and even moreso, they can't travel with weights on a plane or in their car and it's not ideal to moving weights in a hotel room if you're traveling. Weights can be beneficial for the body in certain ways but you do need specific spots to have them so it is safe for the surrounding environment. VRT takes out all of that where you can imagine lifting a weight and flexing the muscles through a specific range of motion without ever needing the equipment there. You can take VRT anywhere you wish because the only equipment is you and your mind. I have done VRT in a hotel room, at the park, on a plane, riding in the car and even did it at Disneyland (yes it is possible). You can make this system whatever you wish and whatever you can think of, you can make a VRT exercise out of.

Think of it this way; ever heard of the Green Lantern and that mighty Ring of his? If you ever read the comics or watched the disastrous flick with Ryan Reynolds; the ring is a symbol of how to apply imagination and turning it into action. He comes up with all sorts of weird stuff to defend himself and others and whatever he thinks of, the ring creates out of that. That principle is similar to VRT where you imagine something heavy and doesn't have to be a weight or a machine; it could be lifting a car, picking up boulders, doing chest flys with steel chains or whatever you can think of. You have your own Green Lantern Ring and that ring is your imagination & the muscles are the action of that ring. You have the power to be as creative as you wish to be and you control how much tension you create to build the muscles you want.

One of the most well developed human beings on the planet didn't lift weights and all he did was flex his muscles in certain positions of exercise similar to VRT; that man was Bobby Pandour. His physique at the time was extraordinary and was only topped by guys like Otto Arco, Maxick & Eugene Sandow; he was that well built. His body was so well put together it would give today's Physique Contestants a run for their money and this was long before the days of steroids, supplements & exercise machines. Back then the only way to even remotely find a way to lift weights like a barbell and such was in a massive gymnasium in a major town or at a YMCA that provided such luxuries. You couldn't really buy weights at that time and if you did, the most you'd get is maybe a 100-200 lbs. set. Bobby settled only for Muscle Control and his best style of leg training was carrying his brother up flights of stairs. Don't believe me on the possibilities of having a mighty physique by this system, take a look below.

You can develop a body to be proud of and not wear and tear on your joints. Be able to train anywhere you wish and do it in less time than with any other bodybuilding method. Wear whatever you want, do any exercise that your imagination can come up with and have fun developing the mind/muscle connection. Get VRT today for less than the cost of a monthly membership to any gym and never be bored with exercise ever again.

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