Wednesday, February 19, 2020

One Of The Scariest Moments Of My Life

For years, I've practiced various methods of conditioning, deep breathing exercise, strength training and developing flexibility and endurance; very few things however have scared the living hell out of me and recently it was one of those moments and also nearly put me in the ER. I recently bought Jon Hass' E-Book and Video Evolve Your Breathing Program and I figured it was a way to learn some new techniques to enhance my conditioning and performance. This nearly became a tragedy.

From this experience only, I tried out the exercises he laid in his course and although I never experienced them before in that manner, it didn't feel weird at first until I was getting dinner ready that night and something terribly went wrong. The exercises I did were Chest Breathing & Intercostal; my chest started feeling as someone hit me with a bat or something and my breathing became very shallow, I stood in the middle of the kitchen feeling nearly paralyzed because although I was conscience, I had no idea what I was supposed to do. I lost my train of thought, my brain didn't feel connected to my nerves so I can move my body and it almost seemed as if I had a mini stroke.

I was disoriented for what seemed like minutes but according to my wife, it was a couple hours. Normally it takes me a good 7 minutes or so for the dinner I was making but this time took me over a half hour because I completely forgot how to make it. Something with those exercises triggered something in my brain that took me to a place where I wasn't me and I was just a pole in the middle of a room. Those that know me, know that I have a memory that is very unique and a solid sense of balance but for that moment, it was completely gone and my body was nearly shutting down on me, I have no clue how I was still even standing and conscience.

Once I felt some form of composure and intuitively knew I was in a good state of mind, I started breathing the exercises I knew like the back of my hand and I was back at 100% with complete sense of my memory, my control of the limbs, the balance and completely aware of everything around me. Only one other person knows about what happened but my wife was the one who witnessed it and I can't bare putting her through that again. I cannot put myself through those exercises again.

We breathe through life because if we couldn't breathe, we'd be dead but yet certain techniques can make or break your nervous system and it's extremely critical to pay attention to how you do breathe. I don't know if i'm the only person who had this experience or people before me experienced it but I do feel the need to warn you that certain techniques can be dangerous and don't want to imagine anyone going through what I did or worse. I have read both sides on Chest Breathing & Intercostal but after this experience, I know first hand, these techniques can be a hazard to your health.

The best breathing techniques that have given me the optimal performance and conditioning were Diaphramic Breathing, The Breath Of Fire Technique and Exercises that ties in with Garin Bader's CoreForce Energy Program. I also use techniques to remain as calm as possible, even through tough workouts as I stay relaxed but not loose.

There are techniques that have been around for thousands of years but that doesn't mean they're meant for everybody. Be as safe as possible as you train and never to the degree where you could end up in the hospital like I nearly did or worse. Learn to use the breath as your power and breathe with intentions on building a strong nervous system and cardiovascular as well.


Big Bruv is a weirdo beta. said...

Excellent post Ben, yes I experienced almost the same negative side effects after trying something similair. There's seems to be a craze for bizzare breathing "training" at the moment, as well as other dangerous ideas on exercise. Personally I like to do punches on the bag in between my exercises or burpees in between, and at the end of the session I'll do deep breathing in and out to relax. I feel this is more functional breath training, usefull for emergency, self defence, heavy manual work etc than some latest "new method".
Keep clear of those weird breathing exercises Ben, and stay motivated, keep exercising, and use bully's hatred, jealousy, and negativity to give you strength dude.

Anonymous said...

I too experienced similar symptoms when I tried the coastal breathing technique. I don't know if I pushed it too much and flooded my blood with too much oxygen or what. Basically it was numbness, confusion, then pain. It's good that you are okay and can learn from it and not six feet under.

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