Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Power & Might

No matter how you put them, these 2 words always catch some one's attention one way or another. They can be used in any type of definition but I love referring to them in the Fitness World. To me these words means strength, means iron will, means over the top endurance and also the feeling of hitting your personal record with hardcore determination. This will start being a blog that I'd like everyone to check up on, you can read if you wish and if you don't like what I have to say then I'm not worried theres plenty of other people who like to read. I will feed you guys info at the end of every blog that can give you an idea of what I love to use, read or recommend for either the elite athlete or the average Joe.

When it comes to hand crushing strength, there are many ways to built it and make grip strength the key to gaining great strength and power in everything you do. Here's a site that will help your grip get to levels neither you or anybody can imagine, I'd recommend these guys 150%.


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