Showing posts with label Speed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Speed. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Four Products That Can Turn You Into A Muscle Building Machine

My friend Logan Christopher at Legendary Strength has put up four new products that will turn you into a strength machine in ways that have been lost and now are found again here at Four Courses Product Release. These four courses will show you the lost secrets of strength that haven't been seen in many years and after years of research and training they're all here in one package. Here's what you will be learning.

---Arthur Saxon Power Pack

Learn the secrets of what you will learn about the only man in the iron game to put 370 lbs. overhead with one arm.

Why light weights are for pansies. Are you One?

Find how you can learn about the Bent press from the best on the planet.

How you must think outside the box in order to build the best results.

Secrets of One-Arm lifting such as the bent press, snatch, clean & jerk and much more.

Use "Trick" exercises to make any crowd be in awe and how you can do that.

Plus many more from this pack.

---Mastering The Art Of Muscle Control

Be able to do muscle control anywhere, anytime and be able to impress friends and family

How Maxick used muscle control to aid in his lifts to become one of the first three men to officially press double bodyweight overhead.

Building strength using muscle control

Can you do "The Rope"?

This one muscle control exercise can increase your vitality and improve your health dramatically.

Learn Progressions that will take you from here to there fast and safely.

Do muscle control exercises that even Mr. Olympia contenders will pay attention to.

Can you contend with Muscle Control acts that true masters flaunt?

How to Structure a Muscle Control Training Session

& Others that will take your muscle training to a whole new level.

---Drills that raise Strength, Flexibility & Athletic Prowess

If you want to be skilled & coordinated then you must do this before any session.

How to fix your energy for Weightlifting

Are you Energy Deficient? Learn these exercises for Testing and how you can improve over time.

One drill that will shoot your flexibility through the roof by rubbing specific spots on the body.

All this and more on this DVD.

---Explode Your Body With Bodyweight Exercises

Learn 3 Major Training Formats to develop Unstoppable Speed.

What is the number one exercise for Expolisivness? Learn it here

Brutalize your workouts combining Kettlebells & Bodyweight Training.

Find your weakenesses and turn them into your strengths.

You can get these packages seperatly or you can get them all at once. These will get you on the right path for strength & conditioning and put you ahead of your competition. These won't be around for long so get them sooner then later. You never know when this sale will end.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Superman & The Real Ways Of Achieving Superhuman Strength & Speed

We all know the super powers of superman and never will know how fast he really is or how strong he really is so no matter how many times we read the comic books or see Christopher Reeve on the big screen, its a mystery of far these super powers go. Now that's almost similar to the average human and the strongest of athletes, we never really know how far our strength and speed goes. I firmly believe one of the best ways to develop great power and speed is to use our imaginations. Learn to see our power through our minds and how we can bring that out and use it in the worst or best of situations to either save a life, hit a personal/world record, fight back from a bully or save ourselves from a disaster.

Now for all intents and purposes, we can never have the strength and speed of Superman and certainly can never fly like him but yet we can develop strength and speed that can add that extra 1-2% beyond that scientists have said we can't achieve. Its called CoreForce Energy. A system that can help start a chain reaction of strength and speed that goes way beyond your own assumptions for what can bring on a surge of power. What if this system helped achieve a level of power you can use in everyday life or in athletics or in a dangerous situation? Would you want that? Would you be willing to learn it?

What if you learned to increase your speed? How do you see yourself running faster and faster? Do you tense up or do you relax? This is where CoreForce Energy reveals these secrets that will astound you and make you think literally how its possible. The real secret to this is using the flow of your own energy to create a series of fibers within your body that creates strength and speed, the fast twitch muscle fibers and the slow twitich muscle fibers. How you use them comes from within and how you create them is through the use of the brain. This system takes this secret to a whole new level and how you can develop it will shock you. Take a look at how this system works and how it can work for you no matter what you want to do.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Learning How To Tap Into Your Power Within Seconds

Scientists say we only use 5% of our overall power. Now how can that be? We have some of the strongest people on the planet and yet were only using 5% of our potential for super strength? That just doesn't seem right. If you truly want to become powerful you don't need big muscles or have the physique of a Greek god. There's already a power within us that be reached with the right amount of training and its a lot closer then you think it is.

Tapping into the mega secrets of Chi Power is not in a galaxy far, far away nor is it hidden in the undergrounds of the Himalayas. Its really within the power of your own mind and imagination. Let me give you an example of super humans that have the ability to generate so much power within the snap of their fingers that it looks like it came out of comic book movie.....The Shaolin Monks are really some of the most powerful human beings on the planet. They can do things that would boggle the mind and have strength that men twice their size can't even comprehend. Whats their secret? How can they harness that much power? Another would be Strongman and one of my mentors, Dennis Rogers. At 5'8 and nearly 170 pounds has the ability to generate so much power within seconds that its almost impossible to believe a little man of this caliber has the strength to crush hundreds of pounds of pressure and mangle tools that were made to not bend. What is his secret to have these superhuman abilities?

I personally believe that one man has brought a version of this superhuman secret and taken it to a level that is beyond any one's own assumptions and gives you the keys to achieve a level of strength that has to be so surreal its not even funny. This one man has traveled around the world many times over using a few magic tricks, a piano and some crazy stunts that would make your Jaw drop. His name is Garin Bader and he is the author and authority of CoreForce Energy. Its a system of generating beyond that 5% potential that we have in us and creating the ultimate Chi Power within a short amount of time. I'm a firm believer in this system and still practice it to this day after nearly 3 years. Its helped me and thousands of others around the world achieve a level of strength and speed that can only be described by one who has experienced it. If you click on the link in this post you will find a series of how this system works and find your true potential with the power already inside you. Go to Garin's Blog and learn how he can create matrix-like flexibility and still have enough power to knock down a 300 lb. dummy full of sand,water and rock. You will be amazed.

As a Strongman and Physical Culturist I have sworn on my own oath to find the best ways to become strong and powerful and if theres any strongman out there that doesn't have a smiliar oath then he shouldn't be a strongman. This course alone can teach you the secrets of becoming superhuman and give you the power you want. Does this apply to just strongmen? No it applies to everyone who wants to get stronger. Build the strength you were meant to have. Harness the power within you to create anything you want in your life. Create strength within seconds and become a more powerful human being. Take a look at CoreForce Energy.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

What Do Albert Einstein, Bruce Lee & Dennis Rogers Have In Common?

I know what you're thinking "Why the hell those guys, they have nothing in common." Well hate to burst your bubble there pal but they have more in common in their little finger then most people have in their entire body. What they have is extraordinary imaginations and superior mind power.

Even suffering from Dyslexia, Einstein developed one of the greatest theories in history and even some of the greatest scientists after him are amazed at the power he had in his mind. As a boy he dreamed of being on a beem of light soaring through space gliding through the speed of light. For those playing the home game the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second. That's pretty damn fast don't you think? So even with that he developed into the greatest of minds the world has ever known.

Bruce Lee was a man of honor and superior strength for his size. What he developed was one of the most powerful systems on the planet and he trained with a fighting force. At 155 Pounds he was pound for pound one of the strongest and fastest men at his size. While filming the Green Hornet the crew had asked Lee to slow down his speed at around 30% of his best. He was so fast that not only did it make the main actor look bad but the crew couldn't even keep up with him on camera. Not only was he a great Martial artist and actor but he was also unbelievably intelligent in his writing and philosophy on life.

Dennis Rogers is and always will be the World's Strongest Man for the feats he performs. As a skinny kid he once weighed 79 Pounds in high school. Now I don't have to tell you that people at 79 pounds are not very intimating. So what did he do? He became strong, first as an arm-wrestler and defeated some of the biggest names in the sport at one time. After becoming a powerful Arm-Wrestler he shifted towards Strongmanism particularly in the old vaudeville circus strongman of the early 20th Century. He began tearing cards, bending steel and breaking metal until it became not just a hobby but a profession. He's known as one of the greatest phonebook tearers in the world (my favorite feat of strength) and has also been seen by more people then any other strongman in history before or since. He's also one of the most intelligent people around and for good reason. He studies on how to not only be stronger but also more mindful. If you get a chance check him out at

So how would YOU like to develop superhuman powers of your own, both mindfully and physically? Well I know of one man who can help take you there. He's helped me and countless others how to become strong and powerful without all the years of torturing yourself in the gym. No this isn't a course to teach you to fly or that type of bullshit but you will find a power within that has been there all along. Scientist say our best at our strongest is no more then 10%. What if we can get past 2-4 or maybe 10% beyond that? I would definitely want to have that for sure. His name is Garin Bader and he is the author and creator of CoreForce Energy. A system that puts you in the hotseat for developing strength & speed at an alarming rate.

It can supercharge your mental focus and muscles by working together. Want more? Here a few things you will find.....

Learn Rapid Improvement Techniques

Tap Into The Very Power Within To Generate Super Strength & Speed

Apply The Ability To Focus On A Very Small Point Like Bruce Lee

Discover Certain Breathing Patterns For Effortless Power

The Power To Gain More In One Day Then The Time It Took Months Or Years

And Many More.....

Get your hands on CoreForce Energy and never feel you can't develop super powers like Eienstein, Lee & Rogers.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Realm Of Superhuman Power Is Not That Far Out Of Reach

Some of us never get a chance to do the things that goes beyond ourselves. Achieving something much greater then yourself is a very tough task. Never can it be that your power within can't go any higher then what others tell you. Well I say screw that. There is a power within us that not only can save someone's life but also our own. What if you learned a few simple techniques that not only took your strength to the stars but beyond the moon (slight exaggeration)? Its hard to believe that a few key points can not only double your power but even triple it or more. Well I have made it a quest to find what can put me in a state of mind that just gives ferocious strength and great speed. So far in my quest I have found it but also haven't found it. Its there in my grasp but its still a mystery to learn but I keep learning it and the more I have put the effort in, the more powerful i'm becoming.

You can do that to with the help of Concert Virtuoso Garin Bader and his course on CoreForce Energy. The system that shows you how to tap into that part of your brain that produces adrenelin and power and make it happen faster then you can "Damn." I have practiced this system many times over and from having time with Garin personally I can vouch how powerful it is and you can have power that not only can be useful in your daily life but it could also save a life one day. It has taken him many years to learn this and what he has done for it is nothing short of surreal and powerful. We all strive to find the power within us to fight weakness and put in the effort to make ourselves stronger. My strength hasn't even reached its peak yet and i'm still getting stronger throughout each day. Give yourself the chance to create strength that not only puts in for what can go in your life but taking it to the next level whether you're an athlete, musician, painter or sculptor. Give yourself the power of CoreForce Energy.

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