Thursday, February 9, 2017

The Wild Is A Sanctuary

Jungle Workouts or Play is a gift of giving us back our roots to nature. Being able to handle our body's natural abilities of jumping, crawling, swimming, running (Sprint not jogging), balancing and have the strength to move in awkward positions is essential to the power of our lifespan. Progressing at your own pace and having fun and creative can enhance your results larger than that of going through the motions with no sense of imagination and over-analyzing the movements themselves.

When you move like a wild animal, you're using more than just the muscles within a giving movement; you're using the whole body from the inside out as the total package of muscular movement, the strength and mobility of the joints, tendons & ligaments, utilizing the full extent of your lumbar, creating billions of nerves within the brain and the power of your organs to form fresh & oxygenated blood into your veins. It isn't like lifting a typical weight like a bench press or a curl; its bringing the entire system into play otherwise there would be no multi-directional movements.

For me, animal exercise is more than just a workout; it's the ability to unlock areas of strength you can't get from conventional or through a century old tradition. Animals are the originators of Body-Weight exercise and they are the ultimate inspiration of how the body was meant to be used. It is awesome to lift a weight or odd object and its essential to have some of external usage to build strength but if you haven't mastered your own body you're not unleashing your full potential. Not only do Animal Moves build muscle and burn fat, they release unwanted tension out of the body and stretch the muscles at any given time and given some specific movements hit the body in a different way that's functional, empowering and create natural body shape that is more than just a body, it is dangerously strong at the same time. 

Strengthen your body by moving like a wild animal, build a natural and strong physique that not only promotes health but strength as well. Whether you're big or small it is possible and it could even carry over to other areas of your life if you were into sports, carry groceries, bring your energy up if you're lethargic, mellow you out if you're hyper-active, increase your endorphins to create overall happiness in the body, develop great focus whether at work or school and it could even turn a simple workout into a game with friends or family that can be enjoyed. There are so many benefits the list is too long. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Do You Have Jungle Fever?

In the jungle, in order to survive you must move and be aware of your surroundings. In the fitness world, moving efficiently creates better muscular development and acquiring the ability to strengthen the body from awkward angles. Animal Exercise is a complex style of movement and in order to be great at it is to progress from beginner to advanced like an animal in the wild starting out as a baby and growing into adulthood.

The exercises themselves are very powerful, intense and fun but in order to build on getting results the quickest way possible is to visualize as that animal as you move within the action. Unlike being in a stabilized strict position where you go up and down or side to side, animal moves have you going in all sorts of places like the Wonkavator you can move long ways, short ways, move forward, move backwards, move sideways, short jumps, long jumps 10ft or 500 yards in practically any direction; animal movement is freedom to go anywhere you want.

I have been doing animal exercises again for a while now doing 20 min. sessions or play routines and its not only been fun but very addicting and intense. Unlike doing tons of burpees or push-ups and squats, moving like an animal in different directions open up the mind and body to move more freely and openly. Many calisthenic moves are in one spot only and although that is very beneficial and gives you the opportunity to train anywhere, anytime, you become stuck in one spot until you move with an exercise that makes you go to another area. I firmly believe in being able to train anywhere but unless you're in prison or have a small house and the weather sucks, its important to move in any direction possible indoors or outdoors. Because of the winter here, I've been training indoors and although I don't have the space needed like a park or field, I still manage to get in a great animal workout traveling throughout the den, living room and even sometimes the kitchen. You use your imagination and use what you have.

A lot of people feel the need to be one spot to train and that's it, for me I like to move about and do something fun as I go from one place to another. I have climbed stairs doing bear crawls, duck walks & gorilla jumps; I've used small space to do crazy animal jumps & even sprinted only 20ft doing a crab walk. Don't limit yourself to that one spot for exercise, use your environment however small or big it is. You can be very creative being in one spot and there's thousands of exercises for that one spot on the floor or ground however; you're only scratching the surface (no pun intended) and haven't completely opened up that door to much greater possibilities. When you can truly train safely anywhere you want and move wherever you, you're developing greater strength in being open minded and unlocking your potential in more ways than you ever thought possible. Get into that Jungle Fever and move wildly and with PASSION!!!!

Monday, February 6, 2017


Do you have physical or mental fatigue?
If so, there’s a little-known class of herbs that can help you out. These herbs, known as adaptogens, help to fight all kinds of fatigue.
Check this out…

This comes from a paper titled Effects of Adaptogens on the Central Nervous System and the Molecular Mechanisms Associated with Their Stress-Protective Activity by Panossian and Wikman, published in Pharmaceuticals 2010.
It was a review of all the other science and studies on these three amazing adaptogens.
Rhodiola rosea is a root that clearly has some amazing effects here in assisting with fatigue and more. This was the original plant from which the term adaptogen came to be.
Eleuthero, previously known as Siberian ginseng, comes in a close second.
Schisandra, a Chinese berry, may look like a laggard here, but it also has other far-reaching effects helping digestion, skin, liver detox and more.
So why choose just one?
Spartan Broad-Spectrum Adaptogenic Formula contains not only all three of these herbs but also Cordyceps, the amazing fungus from Tibet, highly regarded by athletes the world over.
You can read much more about how you can use adaptogens to fight stress and fatigue right here. 
Be Awesome & Have An Amazing Day

Friday, February 3, 2017

Caffeine vs. Adaptogens

Most people drink coffee for its stimulant and energizing effects. Yet take a look at this…

Stimulants just don’t stack up to adaptogens.
If you’re not familiar with adaptogens, is a group of natural herbs and compounds that, essentially, help the body better adapt to stress.
They’ve got both physical and mental fatigue fighting abilities.
For one of the best sources of adaptogens in a well-rounded blend check this out. 
Whether you need more energy for your workouts, your work life, or just back at home so you haven’t crashed at the end of your day this can help you.
Seems like at the very least you should add some adaptogens to your morning coffee!
Find out here all that Spartan Broad-Spectrum Adaptogenic Formula can do for you.
Be Awesome & Have An Amazing Day
*This comes from a paper titled Effects of Adaptogens on the Central Nervous System and the Molecular Mechanisms Associated with Their Stress-Protective Activity by Panossian and Wikman, published in Pharmaceuticals 2010.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Shifting To Other Methods At Odd Times (Being Intuitive)

I talked last about staying with doing Burpee HIIT Workouts 3x a week and doing 20 min. Animal Workouts 4x a week and see where it goes. Turns out not so good, the animal workout was so addicting I couldn't walk away from it and Burpees & HIIT went out the door for me. I needed to go with my intuition and go with a method of exercise I'm very passionate about.

You see, I think differently when it comes to training. Most of the time I don't stick with the same program for more than a couple weeks and I went practically 8 weeks with the Superhero Workouts & Burpee HIIT so that's a first for me. I needed to shift gears and go with my strong intuition. Training with Animal Exercises makes me feel more alive, open to ideas and just flat out can't get any more excited about it. To me, the animals are about freedom, the ability to move throughout as much space as possible whether its very little or an entire stadium either way I'm bliss.

Changing up your training at odd times doesn't mean you never had a chance of reaching a goal, sometimes you just feel the need to do something that makes you happy and even take yourself out of your comfort zone. Animal Exercise provides greater variety for me than traditional "human" exercises and it teaches me things that take me out of my comfort zone. Believe it or not, I like the idea of not knowing what will happen in a workout or what will come up next. Putting in a program that is so structured and full of pre-setted exercises and rep schemes that it can become predictable and predictability puts you in that comfort zone. In order to come out of that is to not only go into the unknown but never expecting what comes next.

With my Animal Dice Game, it becomes more than just training; it becomes an adventure and I never know what comes next. I know the exercises down to the letter and know all the moves like the back of my hand but with that roll of the dice, that is something that always keeps me guessing and will I have to do an animal in a beginner or advanced variation? I don't go for speed, only going with the movement and let my body tell me how fast I should go or how slow.

Back to intuition, when I feel the need to do something, I go for it and because my intuition is very powerful I go with what it tells me. Denying your intuition or fighting it is never a good thing to do. When it is that strong, there's no need to fight it, flowing with it is the law of the universe and having it give you guidance and support. Why would not want something to guide you to help you be happy and full of life? Go with your intuition.

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